Friday, 25 February 2011

title sequance reaserch

we looked at many title sequences they were all about 2 minutes long give or take the longest one was 3 minutes. A title sequence is the method by which films or tv programs present there title or cast members or both using visual aids and sound iv found that sound plays a vital part in a successful title sequence if there is no sound then the atmosphere is not the same after all the purpose of a title sequence is to grab your attention and set the mood and theme. The first title sequence was 1936 the film was called showboat.
We looked at many title sequences today but there was a couple that stood out and i think i could use there ideas to make my own one was:
CATCH ME IF YOU CAN: It was done in the style of stop motion and was very airlined themed it was only 2 mints 34 seconds long the music reminded me of being in an airport.

ED WOOD: this idea was very good it had some stop motion in it with the tenticle coming out the water but it started in a cemetery with all the actors names were on the grave stones it was 3 minits long which is pretty long .

documentry research

today in big johns class we were looking at documentries and directors of documentries or presenters so im going to tell u some thing bout a couple of them the first is michael moore who was born on the 23rd april 1954 and has done documentries incudin farenheit 911 wich explores the twin towers and all the goings on behind like he goes on to say that osama bin laden was sitting in   a meeting with george bush when towers came down also going to tell you about david atttenborough who does nature documentries he has done things like the blue planet.  also morgan spurlock who done supersize me he basically eat mcdonalds for 30 days and had medical tests as he done so to see how much damage he done to his body he has also done thing on the american health service as has michael moore and Waheed khan originally of pakistani origin he was an actore but changed his profresion he had a go at being a camera man and then produced things like dating the asian way and black britain: nobodys child.

BBC Trip

last night we all went to te BBC to watch the program life of reilly getting filmed i saw what actually goes into a nights show was interesting to see how many people it actually takes to work cameras and the booms   there were four boom miks.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

title sequances

today we were reaserching animated title sequances as we will be making one for our zombie film i looked at many but one i really enjoyed was the qauntum of solace title sequance its very good and flows really well like bullets that turn into sun very very eye catching.

Friday, 11 February 2011

pixar animation.

i was watching pixars 25 golden moments documentry and picked out some interesting points that i did not know like Billy  crystal turned turned down a role in TOY STORY but played mike wowsouzky  in monsters ink and also that actors usually record sepratly for pixar films ut in the case of mike and sully in monsters ink the actors recorded together so that they could start interacting with each other i.e finishing each others sentances etc.
also WOODY from TOY STORY was origianally a selfish character he was to becme selfless as the film progressed but joyhn lassater found that people would loose interest if it was that way so they made woody nice from start. John Ratzenburg has stared in every pixar animation.


today in dees we watched our three stop motion animations ours was the best i feel scotts anamation was called devils cola i gave it a 8 out of 10 because it was a good atempt and funny then we watched shauns gave thata 3 out of ten as it was tooo short i laughed tho he he


Thursday, 10 February 2011


today we made an animation a stop motion animation to be  precise  it was of a crab and seahorse fighting it was fun and very time consuming i really really lyked it .

Friday, 4 February 2011

big johns

today in big johns class we learned about difrent video artist the firstg one we learned about was douglass gordan who done the film zidane basically 17 camerasfollowed himn about the park in one of his matches.

and then nicoli fuglsig directed the sony bravia advert with the bouncy balls 250 000 bouncy balls were realesed down a san fransisco street  the reasen the bright balls were used because sonys slogan is couler like no other

then following that was the paint advert and that was directed by jonathan glazer it weas set in a condemed tower block in toryglen glasgow was coverd in 70 000 liters of enviromentally freindly paint .

Thursday, 3 February 2011


hello there guys i have made me a little animation it is called animation 2.1 can u tell me how to get how to get to sesame street ? i hope u enjoy it i had to use photoshop and onion skin each layer to create this finished piece .